Welcome to my Node.js Next.js product which is built on the following technology.
Main Features
- This is a monolithic project which can be split into multiple microservices based on requirement. Each service layer is independent, making it easy to migrate to a microservice architecture.
- Server-side rendering is done using Next.js, which helps in Search Engine Optimization.
- Using Elasticsearch enhances the search capability required in large projects, providing real-time fuzzy search capability.
- Kafka is used to communicate between microservices that do not need to interact in real-time. In the current implementation, an API adds a product, triggers an event, which is then consumed by a separate consumer and stored in Elasticsearch.
Live Implementation
You can check out the live implementation of this project at . Below is a demo of purchasing product from the website. You can also try same with the mock payment mentioned in the bottom of page.https://shop.keshavdev.com/.
For Mock Payment:
- Credit Card Number:4242 4242 4242 4242
- Expiry Date:Any future date in MM/YY format
- CVC:Any three digit number
- Cardholder Name:Any name
- Email:Any email
You can view the source code on GitHub.